Today started out pretty ok- temps were more normal for the season, the humidity was tolerable, nothing near what it has been, the last few days.
We took a ride out to Kutter Harley-Davidson for a oil temp gauge, and wound up picking out a minimal sissy bar for around town.
4 hours later, I got this far on the installation:
As with everything, 3rd time's the charm!
Tomorrow the other bracket should go on in under an hour. Hopes.
Oh, and I totally spaced it and forgot to get the oil temp gauge- DOH! Called Kutter- they're sending the gauge in the mail tomorrow! Love those guys!
I got my HOG packet in the mail, I'm official HOG!
Ocarp, they're talking sever t-storms with possible hail; will have to move Stella well forward into the garage so we can get the Blazer inside!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Wilbur One Antler and his mate
It was hot today, 91 at 7:00 pm. Real Feel 91, well, duh!?! Not a shadow of a chance for a bike ride today.
Taking a break and a chance to gather my thoughts, I went out back for some quiet contemplation.
As I was gazing out the back door, I spied a buck and young doe, meandering out of the woods and into our back yard.
The lean young doe spied me immediately, their eyesight is extraordinary. The young buck was instantly alert.
I quickly grabbed my cellphone for some quick but grainy shots
Taking a break and a chance to gather my thoughts, I went out back for some quiet contemplation.
As I was gazing out the back door, I spied a buck and young doe, meandering out of the woods and into our back yard.
The lean young doe spied me immediately, their eyesight is extraordinary. The young buck was instantly alert.
I quickly grabbed my cellphone for some quick but grainy shots
Monday, July 18, 2011
Froggie's Days and Nights
Early morning post: hot, with no chance of getting a bike ride in, for the next couple days. It's 81 at 7:30 am, Real Feel: 93, humidity at 88%. Gah!
I was up at 1:30 am, sleep wasn't happening, so I stepped outside to see what it felt like. It was just beginning to rain, and a small tree frog was sitting on the deck rail, waiting for a meal.
Stay cool and catch ya's laters!
I was up at 1:30 am, sleep wasn't happening, so I stepped outside to see what it felt like. It was just beginning to rain, and a small tree frog was sitting on the deck rail, waiting for a meal.
Stay cool and catch ya's laters!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Lazy Dayz of Summer and Slow Riding
This morning we went on a 4-mile walk. It was 68 F and already the humidity was high. It got pretty toasty on the return leg, but I had water with me so I took frequent slurps to keep hydrated. Not enough, I still felt the twinges of a heat headache coming on, and it didn't fail me.
Later, we went out to get DD20 some 7-UP for her sick tummy, and I decided to call Dennis to see if the Blazer's brakes were done. Yep, we could come get it anytime. We swung by and traded vehicles, leaving DD20's car for her brake work, and came back home. Igor was happy as a ham to have his back-end of the Blazer back; Nat's car's rear seat was rather claustrophobic for the Poodle LOL!
Stopped on the way, and got DD20 her 7-UP and some Sun Chips for good measure.
When we got back, I thought if I was going to go out on Stella, now would be as good a time as any, considering the heat. I geared up, backed her out (I drive better in reverse, like the chick in Smoke Signals, LOL!) and let her warm up while I got my helmet, gloves, license and cell phone. Geared up, I headed down the driveway, and practiced the left foot down. Doesn't work on our angled driveway, so I planted both feet before heading out onto the road. No problem getting out anymore, except this time, I forgot my gloves, back in the garage! While I was putting my helmet on, I left them on the table~
So, that in mind, I put it aside, and did the two cul-du-sacs, before heading back. I practiced the full stop, right foot on the brake, left foot down, and got comfortable with that for a minute before heading on to our driveway. Not completely sure yet, I decided to just pull in and call it a day. My head was pounding and I did not want to go any further without my gloves for protection. I was ok with that. Don't know if I'll go back out today, as people coming home like to walk their dogs in the evening, when it's cooler, and I don't want to be a menace to them. I think we're going to take the windshield back to Kutter tomorrow, and trade it in for the correct one, then I'll go back out when we get home, and do the Vickie Lane route again. Gotta get that one behind me :)
Got home and found a HOG packet in the mail-I got my HOG pin and a PATCH! WHOOT! Now I are official HOG member, and soon-to-be LOH (Ladies Of Harley) O:)
It's suppose to be cooler tomorrow, by degrees, so should be a better ride, providing I don't overheat during the morning walk. I'd hate to have to make a choice over which to do first, or give up one, because you know I'm not giving up on my rides, when I can have both!! I am really wanting to take an early morning ride soon, looking forward to that, getting out on Hwy H and around by Palmyra, and back. Then I can get out of 3rd gear-only got into 4th when I was out on the Vickie Ln route. Can't get much past 35 here with all the twists and turns, hills and valleys coming back. Not to mention the critters-gotta keep them in mind. We've already lost 2 fox's in our 'hood, and yesterday was a bad day on Lost Nation, a bad accident in the morning, leaving a LOT of plastic and glass everywhere. Spin-out, with fluid stains in 3 places. Wonder if it had anything to do with the sudden storms we had, or the jack-wagon who did the burnout a couple hundred yards back.......idiots. Someone paid for their carelessness, BIG.
Hope you'all are having a wonderful day~Until next ride, KEEP COOL!
Later, we went out to get DD20 some 7-UP for her sick tummy, and I decided to call Dennis to see if the Blazer's brakes were done. Yep, we could come get it anytime. We swung by and traded vehicles, leaving DD20's car for her brake work, and came back home. Igor was happy as a ham to have his back-end of the Blazer back; Nat's car's rear seat was rather claustrophobic for the Poodle LOL!
Stopped on the way, and got DD20 her 7-UP and some Sun Chips for good measure.
When we got back, I thought if I was going to go out on Stella, now would be as good a time as any, considering the heat. I geared up, backed her out (I drive better in reverse, like the chick in Smoke Signals, LOL!) and let her warm up while I got my helmet, gloves, license and cell phone. Geared up, I headed down the driveway, and practiced the left foot down. Doesn't work on our angled driveway, so I planted both feet before heading out onto the road. No problem getting out anymore, except this time, I forgot my gloves, back in the garage! While I was putting my helmet on, I left them on the table~
So, that in mind, I put it aside, and did the two cul-du-sacs, before heading back. I practiced the full stop, right foot on the brake, left foot down, and got comfortable with that for a minute before heading on to our driveway. Not completely sure yet, I decided to just pull in and call it a day. My head was pounding and I did not want to go any further without my gloves for protection. I was ok with that. Don't know if I'll go back out today, as people coming home like to walk their dogs in the evening, when it's cooler, and I don't want to be a menace to them. I think we're going to take the windshield back to Kutter tomorrow, and trade it in for the correct one, then I'll go back out when we get home, and do the Vickie Lane route again. Gotta get that one behind me :)
Got home and found a HOG packet in the mail-I got my HOG pin and a PATCH! WHOOT! Now I are official HOG member, and soon-to-be LOH (Ladies Of Harley) O:)
It's suppose to be cooler tomorrow, by degrees, so should be a better ride, providing I don't overheat during the morning walk. I'd hate to have to make a choice over which to do first, or give up one, because you know I'm not giving up on my rides, when I can have both!! I am really wanting to take an early morning ride soon, looking forward to that, getting out on Hwy H and around by Palmyra, and back. Then I can get out of 3rd gear-only got into 4th when I was out on the Vickie Ln route. Can't get much past 35 here with all the twists and turns, hills and valleys coming back. Not to mention the critters-gotta keep them in mind. We've already lost 2 fox's in our 'hood, and yesterday was a bad day on Lost Nation, a bad accident in the morning, leaving a LOT of plastic and glass everywhere. Spin-out, with fluid stains in 3 places. Wonder if it had anything to do with the sudden storms we had, or the jack-wagon who did the burnout a couple hundred yards back.......idiots. Someone paid for their carelessness, BIG.
Hope you'all are having a wonderful day~Until next ride, KEEP COOL!
Playing Catch-up, New Bike!
July 1, 2011 at 7:02 pm
I went out on my first e-var ride on Stella June!!
I got on my boots, saddled up and backed her in position for the "walk" to the end of the driveway, while in 1st. I went over my first Riders Edge day course. I got to the end of said driveway, sat there for a moment planning my next maneuver. I thought I would get out in the middle of the street, back it up and turn around for the return up the driveway. Stella had other ideas- she wanted to go for a ride and I was more than happy to oblige.
We headed up the hill, shifting into 2nd, then easing into 3rd before downshifting back to 2nd before the curve up ahead.
As we approached the cul-du-sac, I downshifted into 1st and rode through the turnaround. Success was mine!
We headed back down the hill and I noticed a jeep pulling up to a mailbox on my side of the street, 4 doors up. I had to downshift to 1st rather quickly in anticipation of a sharp right into our driveway, but only managed to kill it while coming to a stop at our mailbox...
S'ok, I walked it into position and rode it the length of the driveway and parked it.
What happened next will forever remain a mystery. I spent the next 20 minutes reliving my experience, texted DD20 and my KS Harley gal-pal and watched DD20 pull up and park in the corner by the shed...
We were rehashing my ride when allofasudden a wind gust tore an extension ladder away from the side of the house, and deposited it just inches fom the bike's kickstand. DD20 was first to reach the bike, while DH and I stood jaw-drop in the garage. DH jumped on the bike and quickly brought it inside the garage, safe from the elements.
We're heading out for a bite to eat and see if we can't get my feet back down to earth.
I'm two rows from done with the Doves wedding doily! Hopefully will be completed end of this weekend!
Second verse, same as the first ~ July 3, 2011
Yesterday, our friends from IL came up to meet Stella June! It was pretty warm and humidity was up so I wanted to wait until it got a little cooler before taking her out.
Paul helped get the engine guards installed; I had trouble with one of the torx bolts the night before and was worried I might have damaged the head trying to loosen the temp bracket.
Paul got one bolt out, then he and I took a ride to Napa to see about a better torx ratchet- found out I was using the wrong size the night before. DOH! Got a T-45 and viola!
After he and I installed the engine guard (I was the Official Holder), he backed Stella out and got her in position for my 2nd ride out.
All the way down the driveway, feeling much easier, I stopped at the end and looked both ways, eased on the throttle, and off we went, into Doug's ditch!!!
I quickly calculated my exit back onto the street, and we were back in business.
Taking the same short route as the day before, I executed the cul-du-sac with ease, and headed back down the hill for the final approach, eased into 1st and maneuvered into position for a quick turn into our angled driveway. Success without stalling!!
Getting ready to take her out for a ride before it decides to rain~
later gator!
Walking her in, so I don't mow the Igor!
Look what popped up yesterday!
Isn't she purrrr-dy? :) xoxo
Doves and The Mini Pony July 4, 2011
I went out with Stella twice yesterday! The first time I tried to maneuver a tight left out of our driveway, we made a beeline up the slight incline, didn't turn hard enough, and wound up in Doug's grass again, GAH!
Second time, we exited the driveway without a hitch! We are a team, Stella and the WindRider, BIG siiiiiiigh~
Heather's wedding doily is done: "Doves in Flight"
I give this pattern an A+++ for ease ;)
Now, on to complete "The Ravens", a version done in black and orange, for our Halloween anniversary
Stella June and The Ass-Bandit July 7, 2011
Oyeah, we went to pick up the windshield at Kutter, Tuesday night. A tall-legged gal is on STELLA BLUE in the parking lot, with her husband on his "STELLA PURPLE" and they are fixing to go out on a test ride. Mel came over to me as they were pulling away, and asks, "Are you gonna cry?" I nodded yes, but sucked it up. At least she'll be ridden by someone who can handle her. ;)
Stella gets her clutch on~ July 8, 2011
Midnight Fridge Raid-Boo! July 9, 2011
Hope you're having a good weekend so far~
The new fridge is in and working great yay, no more having to buy bags of ice and living out of a cooler. New night noises to get used to when making midnight milk raid, no biggie, but weird, just the same.
Didn't take Stella out today, traffic was heavy with Summer People u for fun in the sun, and since we have no working mode of transportation until we get brakes fixed in the Blazer, no sense taking unnecessary chances. Tomorrow is a new day, we might go up the hill, honk at cul-du-sac clown, and come back. Hope clown isn't out late partying- might not appreciate my early-morning revelry, H-D style ;)
Fridge art
I went out on my first e-var ride on Stella June!!
I got on my boots, saddled up and backed her in position for the "walk" to the end of the driveway, while in 1st. I went over my first Riders Edge day course. I got to the end of said driveway, sat there for a moment planning my next maneuver. I thought I would get out in the middle of the street, back it up and turn around for the return up the driveway. Stella had other ideas- she wanted to go for a ride and I was more than happy to oblige.
We headed up the hill, shifting into 2nd, then easing into 3rd before downshifting back to 2nd before the curve up ahead.
As we approached the cul-du-sac, I downshifted into 1st and rode through the turnaround. Success was mine!
We headed back down the hill and I noticed a jeep pulling up to a mailbox on my side of the street, 4 doors up. I had to downshift to 1st rather quickly in anticipation of a sharp right into our driveway, but only managed to kill it while coming to a stop at our mailbox...
S'ok, I walked it into position and rode it the length of the driveway and parked it.
What happened next will forever remain a mystery. I spent the next 20 minutes reliving my experience, texted DD20 and my KS Harley gal-pal and watched DD20 pull up and park in the corner by the shed...
We were rehashing my ride when allofasudden a wind gust tore an extension ladder away from the side of the house, and deposited it just inches fom the bike's kickstand. DD20 was first to reach the bike, while DH and I stood jaw-drop in the garage. DH jumped on the bike and quickly brought it inside the garage, safe from the elements.
We're heading out for a bite to eat and see if we can't get my feet back down to earth.
I'm two rows from done with the Doves wedding doily! Hopefully will be completed end of this weekend!
Second verse, same as the first ~ July 3, 2011
Yesterday, our friends from IL came up to meet Stella June! It was pretty warm and humidity was up so I wanted to wait until it got a little cooler before taking her out.
Paul helped get the engine guards installed; I had trouble with one of the torx bolts the night before and was worried I might have damaged the head trying to loosen the temp bracket.
Paul got one bolt out, then he and I took a ride to Napa to see about a better torx ratchet- found out I was using the wrong size the night before. DOH! Got a T-45 and viola!
After he and I installed the engine guard (I was the Official Holder), he backed Stella out and got her in position for my 2nd ride out.
All the way down the driveway, feeling much easier, I stopped at the end and looked both ways, eased on the throttle, and off we went, into Doug's ditch!!!
I quickly calculated my exit back onto the street, and we were back in business.
Taking the same short route as the day before, I executed the cul-du-sac with ease, and headed back down the hill for the final approach, eased into 1st and maneuvered into position for a quick turn into our angled driveway. Success without stalling!!
Getting ready to take her out for a ride before it decides to rain~
later gator!
Walking her in, so I don't mow the Igor!
Look what popped up yesterday!
Isn't she purrrr-dy? :) xoxo
Doves and The Mini Pony July 4, 2011
I went out with Stella twice yesterday! The first time I tried to maneuver a tight left out of our driveway, we made a beeline up the slight incline, didn't turn hard enough, and wound up in Doug's grass again, GAH!
Second time, we exited the driveway without a hitch! We are a team, Stella and the WindRider, BIG siiiiiiigh~
Heather's wedding doily is done: "Doves in Flight"
I give this pattern an A+++ for ease ;)
Now, on to complete "The Ravens", a version done in black and orange, for our Halloween anniversary
Stella June and The Ass-Bandit July 7, 2011
Had first run in with local yokel, you probably got one in your neighborhood, too: Jeepster Ernhart.
It was breaktime at the MHJS Corral, and I needed to get out and get some air. We've had one busy week, and with no vacation in sight, I needed to just feel free, if only for 10 minutes.
Earlier today, we went out to Hales Corners, a nice 1-hour ride, and stopped by Tandy Leather for some tack for our bike accessories. Out in the parking lot, our Blazer had other ideas. A brake line had broke and was leaking all over the asphalt. UGHS. We got in the truck and called Dennis on the way home, what to do? He's going to take care of us next week; he's catching up from a funeral earlier this week and is covered up. No biggie, we'll manage, with the help of our DD20 and her car :)
So, helmet, gloves and boots on, I headed out for a quick ride and practice my stops/starts and turning.
I was heading out of our driveway when I spied a delivery van up ahead, obviously not sure where he was (suppose to be), so I followed him up around the cul-du-sac in 2nd gear.
As he's approaching the turnaround, he pulled way over and slowed down, and I thunk, "oh, look, the nice man is going to let me go by..."eh! wrong thunk.
As I make my approach, he pulled on around and parked 1 door down. Ok, so he's being nice enough to give me room to turn around all by meself. now. YAY me!
I got ready for my turnaround, when Jeepster Dude at the 3rd quarter of the turn, decides to back out IN FRONT of me. I went for the horn, never saw his brake lights come on and proceeded to pass his right rear and scooted by him, coming to a quick stop into his driveway, boots planted on terra firma, ready to rumble. He stops, gets out, asks if I need any help. I said, " uh, no, I just need to turn around in your driveway now, because you din't leave me a choice but to go around you to avoid bumping into you, thank yew."
OK, granted he probably didn't expect anyone to be coming out of the other side of the cul-de-sac, but DEAF? HORN, ENGINE, (me yelling), what part of STOP did you not understand, dipstick??? ( I din't speak it, I thunk it real hard, he got the meaning behind the Look.)
He gets back in his jeep and proceeds to follow Delivery Van who was watching the whole episode, and they drive on down the street and off into the horizon.
I went about my merry way, no biggie, feeling pretty darn good!
When I got back I told DH about my escapade, he's all ready to go yell at him, slow down and get out of ass-mode.
I'm shinin!
Oyeah, we went to pick up the windshield at Kutter, Tuesday night. A tall-legged gal is on STELLA BLUE in the parking lot, with her husband on his "STELLA PURPLE" and they are fixing to go out on a test ride. Mel came over to me as they were pulling away, and asks, "Are you gonna cry?" I nodded yes, but sucked it up. At least she'll be ridden by someone who can handle her. ;)
Stella gets her clutch on~ July 8, 2011
If I ever drive you nuts with my day-to-day antics, please tell me to shut up, but for now I am so PSYCHED!!
I took Stella June out today, while it was early yet and traffic light. it is the weekend, and a lot of ppl come up from IL to go boating, etc. traffic can be dicey around here, especially at Charlie's gas station/cappuccino stop. We try to avoid that until after everyone goes home.
I rode out, did the cul-du-sac turnaround, honked horn at Jeepster McButtfuk as I went by, and came back out all smiles. I did the turn as slow as I could, using the clutch, just to get the feel of how easy she maneuvers in tight places.
I decided to bypass the second cul-du-sac and headed out in the other direction. Decided to take my walk route, already mapped out.Turned into a subdivision and came to a stop at Vickie Lane. For some weird reason, Stella decided she had to lay down. I think I turned my wheel and lost my balance, couldn't hold her up any longer, so laid her down gently and got off.
5 minutes later, the Mailman came around, asked if I was ok. "Yep, just got too heavy and had to lay her down.", I said. He said, Kickstand down? Check! Grabbed the handlebars and uprighted her like she was a Hotwheel trike. I felt slightly embarrassed, but none the worse, and got back on and headed out. Had to take a slight detour around the area, big honking truck was pulled out too far to make a hard left, so I just kept going and went up the next turn. Came back around my walking route, it was heaven on wheels. the extra mileage gave me time to unwind and relax, so when I pulled up, all grins again, I waited a few minutes before telling Mikey about the unscheduled dismount. He wasn't happy, but I went over everything, and we both agreed, I shouldn't have turned the wheel into the turn at a stop? you said you do that just to be safe, I get that, and would do that too, so I still don't know why I lost my balance at a flat stop. I really need to work on my quick stops, so I can get the handle of the balance. He says I need to keep right leg up and left leg down at stops, not both legs, which is what I do still. I'm still feeling a slight need to walk a couple feet into take-off at first, but getting used to it gradually. shrugs shoulders. I really need to know why that happened, so I don't repeat it. Other than that, I'm ready to go out and do it again. Keep doing it until I get it right. Next time I go up Vickie Ln. I don't intend to stop and smell the asphalt again.!!
Just wrote my instructor, Kellie Sinks, told her what happened; she's psyched for us too!
Le siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. Mike is unhappy, our truck is broke, literally-the brake line broke upon arrival in Milwaukee (a 50-mile trip one-way) and we had to come back home with that in mind, coasting through stop lights and turns, and now we are grounded for the entire weekend, 'cept for the Stella June. We can has bike riding!!!
Midnight Fridge Raid-Boo! July 9, 2011
Hope you're having a good weekend so far~
The new fridge is in and working great yay, no more having to buy bags of ice and living out of a cooler. New night noises to get used to when making midnight milk raid, no biggie, but weird, just the same.
Didn't take Stella out today, traffic was heavy with Summer People u for fun in the sun, and since we have no working mode of transportation until we get brakes fixed in the Blazer, no sense taking unnecessary chances. Tomorrow is a new day, we might go up the hill, honk at cul-du-sac clown, and come back. Hope clown isn't out late partying- might not appreciate my early-morning revelry, H-D style ;)
Fridge art
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