Fall is definitely here and there's nothing better than the aroma of a crock pot of stew to greet you in the morning! Almost better than coffee...almost.
Today our new relatives are coming over for Supper, and I'm making one of Chrystal's popular dishes, Pumpkin Pie Stew.
The recipe is easy:
2 lbs of stew meat, floured and seasoned.
1 McCormack's bag'o stew packet (save the bag for the veggie peelings)
Add whatever you normally put in stew. I used carrots, potatoes, onion, green beans and 1 small can stewed tomatoes. Brown meat in skillet, add crushed garlic and turn off heat. Add seasoning packet, 1 1/2 cups water and stir to deglaze the skillet. Toss in crockpot and cook on low overnight in a large crockpot.
Next day:
I had to add a can of beef broth, or you can add water to make more stew broth.
Preheat oven to 325• and prepare brownie mix. While those are baking, prepare 4 pie pumpkins by taking a large plastic cup, and score around the rim of cup to remove tops. Gut the pumpkins, clearing out all the seeds with your hands. Place the pumpkins on a sturdy cookie sheet for stability.
For those Divas who don't want to mess up their nails, you can use my special Candy Ass Pumpkin De-Gutting Tool for cleaning out the innards.
Set the seeds aside for later roasting.
When the brownies are done, the pumpkins should be cleaned out, amd filled sith juicy stew. replace the tops and pop into the oven. Bake at 325• for approximately 1.5- 2.5 hours or until pumpkins are done.
I only had room for 3 pumpkins, so the 4th was relegated back to the crock pot.
Note to Self: next time, don't forget the BAY LEAFS!
Peeps named himself yesterday, with one simple sound, "peep!"
Today turned out to be better than expected! I was so excited to be able to go to the Tall Grass Farm Fall Fiber Jubilee today. I joined up with Debbie, the owner of Studio S Fiber Arts and we rode together up the road and 'round the bend to the farm.
Master shearer David Kier was on hand to demonstrate his talents!
The other sheep in the pens watched and waited their turn.
There were vendors from around the area on hand to demonstrate spinning, basketry, and cooking! The smells were incredible!!!
The chill in the air kept us moving; 43 for a high today, it definitely is feeling like Fall! Igor needs his Fall jacket~
When we got back to the studio, I hung around and enjoyed a cup of coffee and pumpkin spice donut holes, while watching people come into the shop in droves. Eleanor and I chatted while Debbie rang up sale after sale. Finally, I got a break and scored some bamboo circulars for my tool stash. I was getting ready to leave when Marcy pulled me aside. She said, "I have something for you!", and promptly whipped out of her knitting bag, a skein of Wollmeise yarn in the most beautiful color of Nightshade Blue I've ever seen!
I can't wait to knit this up-a pair of gloves, maybe?
I gathered up my things and headed home to Hubby, a head full of Fall knitting ideas, and heart full of feel-good.
Sharing my morning with hubs, I showed videos and pictures of the events. He told me he had just watched an episode on TV, someone shearing sheep!
As we sat and talked, he brought up Spaz, saying that he really missed the little bugger. Then he surprised me by suggesting we get another one, and asked what I thougth. Yes! I said, emphatically! We should get it before it gets too cold, and recalled how we got Spaz in October the year he came into our home. We even designated Halloween as Spaz' birthday, easy to remember~
I ran upstairs, got Spaz' cage back out of the closet, and set it out in its old familiar spot in the dining room table, door open, ready for its newest family member.
Heart full of hope, I had Hub load Igor in the rear, then he got in the passenger side, letting me drive, and off we rode to the pet store.
As luck would have it, they had a special on the 'keets, and quite a number to choose from. Hubs eyed the green ones for a few, then told me to pick one out and wandered off toward the checkout lane.
I studied each one, pointing out a little guy that looked extra spunky, and turned to ask Hubby what were his thoughts. To my dismay, I saw him leaned against the cash register lane, looking rather unsteady on his feet. It was clearly evident he was not having a good day, and was very close to falling. So, with heavy heart, I walked him back out to the car, and we went home, without a 'keet.
Back home, upstairs in the Yarn cave, while Hubs is napping, I am blogging and just received yet another surprise in the mail, from my friend Lindy, in Australia.
Angora rabbit yarn!!!
I'm working on Nat's Bats Shawl, scored some gorgeous Lavender Sparklies yarn for the border. It's going to be to-dye for!
Some-bunny is looking out for me, and I'm very grateful for my friends and family. At the end of the day, it's all just stuff; it's the joy of friends looking out for each other, that is all that matters.
Hope you are having a day full of gratitude and joy, as well. I was happy to share mine with you! 0:)