Today our new relatives are coming over for Supper, and I'm making one of Chrystal's popular dishes, Pumpkin Pie Stew.
The recipe is easy:
2 lbs of stew meat, floured and seasoned.
1 McCormack's bag'o stew packet (save the bag for the veggie peelings)
Add whatever you normally put in stew. I used carrots, potatoes, onion, green beans and 1 small can stewed tomatoes. Brown meat in skillet, add crushed garlic and turn off heat. Add seasoning packet, 1 1/2 cups water and stir to deglaze the skillet. Toss in crockpot and cook on low overnight in a large crockpot.
Next day:
I had to add a can of beef broth, or you can add water to make more stew broth.
Preheat oven to 325• and prepare brownie mix. While those are baking, prepare 4 pie pumpkins by taking a large plastic cup, and score around the rim of cup to remove tops. Gut the pumpkins, clearing out all the seeds with your hands. Place the pumpkins on a sturdy cookie sheet for stability.

For those Divas who don't want to mess up their nails, you can use my special Candy Ass Pumpkin De-Gutting Tool for cleaning out the innards.

Set the seeds aside for later roasting.

When the brownies are done, the pumpkins should be cleaned out, amd filled sith juicy stew. replace the tops and pop into the oven. Bake at 325• for approximately 1.5- 2.5 hours or until pumpkins are done.

I only had room for 3 pumpkins, so the 4th was relegated back to the crock pot.

Note to Self: next time, don't forget the BAY LEAFS!

Peeps named himself yesterday, with one simple sound, "peep!"
Peeps says Good Morning, Punkinhead Peeps!

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