I have been once again remiss in blogging- what is up with that? Oyeah, the emails.
I’ve been a knitting fool, plus work has been amazing, so without further boring you with trivialities, I must show you what has been keeping me away!
First, I got really interested in making a neck warmer cowl, specifically for when I’m out riding. I didn’t like the fuss of a scarf, too many loose ends needing to be tucked out of the way. Gearing up is a process, as it is. I usually pull the home out, start her up, and she’s warming up while I’m gearing up. That can take me 5 minutes, and one more article added just means less time on Stella.
I saw this new Lion Brand Tweed Stripes yarn at Joann.com and the color Wildfire jumped out at me; Harley Orange! They even had a simple
FREE PATTERN: Marble Cowl for what I needed!
2 days later, VĂ“ILA!

I love the striping, and how soft it is. I washed it last night and it came out even softer; NOTE: this yarn, while soft, does not hold its shape, and becomes quite drapey, a good thing for this type of project
Ohai! How do you like my new Bikers jacket? I got it from a friend who no longer rides due to neck surgeries and other comfort issues. She had a brand new pair of chaps, and threw in the jacket. O.M.G. I am in 5, 6 and 7th Heaven!!! I just finished seeing on my HOG owners patch, AB-F’ing-FAB!!!
Next, I needed another cowl for my Taking Igor Outside At 11:30 At Night coat. I dove into my stash and found some Red Heart Lt. Grey Heather, which would pick up the subtle gray in the fleece coat. Using the same size 10 16″ circular needles, I threw another one together in 2 days. An pleased to report, this yarn seems less stretchy and is holding its shape well. This is a nicer acrylic yarn which I would definitely recommend for something larger, say, a sweater or Turtleback-type wrap or just a simple shawl.
Will wear it for a week before I note any stretch or shape-shifting, but it doesn’t feel as though that will be a problem.
And speaking of Turtlebacks, I’m back on my very FIRST large knitting project, the Turtleback Wrap, as seen in previous blog posts here. So many have asked for the directions, I felt compelled to revive the hibernating wrap and will complete it post haste!
This is an easy pattern: K2 P2 for the rectangle, fold and see up to within 7″ for armholes. I’m going to knit it until I run out of this luxurious yarn!

That ball of fluffiness, that’s Paton Divine. Like knitting a cat!
Well, that’s it for today! The snow is melting, we’re missing a spectacular Northern Lights show, due to overcast conditions, but I hear it could last a month?!? Will post any news, pics and/or sightings!
Have a loverly rest of the day, wherever you call Home, and I promise to update more often, now that the Holidays are but a memory.