The Wisteria Wrap has come along, a lonnnnng way since its inception, and I'm plugging along with 3 new skeins of yarn at my disposal to complete it whenever I achieve the desired length. I won't know that until I get there, but pretty sure one skein more will do it.
We've decided to sell LunaC, Stella's garage mate. DH hasn't got it in him to ride his bike, RA, combined with a bad hip and other issues prevent him from enjoying it.
Since I won't have saddle bags to carry things to and from town, I invested in an overnight bag got the bag seat o Stella. I love it! It's big enough for my knitting bag, a gallon of milk, and a few small things I might need to pick at the grocery from time to time. It's perfect for running orders into town if an Express comes in.

I'll get a better pic when I've got her outside tomorrow :)
Nats is still in Texas, since last Wed, and is having the time of her life! Her BF Jake took her to Red Lobster for dinner last night. Today they drove up to San Antonio to Sea World for the day. She sounds so happy, I truly hope she has found what she needs. She's definitely taken by the uniform! I can see it now, The Desperate Military Housewives of Ft. Hood, she'll fit right in!
I can't believe that they found each other after nearly 5 years apart. I have a felling they were never quite over one another, back when Jake moved. I have to admit we didn't leave good company last time we saw him, but they were kids, and we were being cautious parents, not really very understanding. I don't think the separation was necessarily a bad thing, just something that can be looked back upon as a life lesson.
Igor got his summer cut today; he's a pooped puppy.

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