Bits and pieces of our friendship filter into my daily routine, at the oddest times. Today I went to Goodwill with my friend Linda Godfrey, and while I'm browsing up and down the aisles of Anchor Hocking glassware and Pfaltzgraff dinner plates, candle holders of every shape and height, angels holding a candle cup ready for a wax taper, I'm musing at the sad finality of people's lives discarded and winding up on a thrift store shelf.
I was tempted to purchase a bag of 50's Coats & Clarks cotton crochet thread, size 10. Some of the little balls had some minor stains on them, possibly water marks with age. I put them back, thinking better than to buy some old bedspread cotton, and now I wish I had kept them. I'll go back next week and grab them, if they are still there. But, as I was looking at them trying to decide if I should take them, I mentioned to a lady standing next to me, "this is what will happen to our stashes, when we die! ", and we both laughed.
As we were passing by a cart with some miscellaneous relics yet to be shelved, I happened upon a lovely framed crochet butterfly that someone painstakingly preserved, a gift, maybe? I was so thrilled, I snatched it up for a measly 99¢! I may even attempt to locate the pattern, and I know just where to post a query.

When we got back, Linda gave me a hug and a parting gift, a huge hand printed poster of Herbs and Ailments Cross Reference Chart.

And the piece du resistance, a hand painted framed art, it will be a perfect compliment to the herb chart!

While sifting among the trash to treasures, someone's life nearly forgotten, I am reminded of my own mortality, and that someday, my stuff may wind up in a similar place, as did a few of my mother's things, stuff I couldn't find room for, in my heart or the moving truck.

Looks like we might get some rain? Everything is drying up, the grass is burnt, and hand watering is essential to my potted garden upstairs.

Miss Pepper says, "that's enough about you, pay attention to me now."

My Firstborn Baby Girl turns 36 today- Happy Birthday, CJ! Ha! The Curly Girly Princess gets a head shot in 0:)

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