What is it about knitting that brings one back to center. I guess you have to be a devout Knitter to be able to answer that one. Today was pretty stressful, and I found comfort in my knitting, as I usually do.
And when I'm not knitting (or working) I'm out working in my gardens, yanking weeds, or taking a 3-mile walk with the neighbor. Those are the things that can really clear one's head.
This afternoon, I sat outside and enjoyed the rays of a warm sun while working on my Drops "Alaska" jacket, and as one friend said, my needles were smokin'! I'm really liking the colors as they come together; it reminds me of a Pendleton or Hudson Bay Trader-style blanket, and will be very warm. The only part that bothers me is the 2-stitch garter edge; I'm not very good at weaving in such small areas, and the front borders are sadly showing my lack of expertise. Thankfully, the crochet border will hide all that, later. For now, I'm enjoying the play of colors as my jacket evolves from a basket of yarns, into the layers that will define the style.
DH and I had fun grilling out night before last. The weather was absolutely perfect, a cool 68. We made Grilltop Burritos while watching a spectacular sunset off in the distance.
I took a picture of a new wildflower that emerged in our gardens this year-Sweet Cicely, Myrrhis odorata. It smells like anise when you break a stem. There are many uses for it, most of which are uses in fruit salads and ice cream. I wonder how it would fare in my biscotti?
The Wild Phlox is absolutely gorgeous now, and it's coming up EVERYWHERE! This year seems to favor the wildflowers.
Nats was gearing up for her solo flight (first car trip) to Indianapolis to see her brothers and sister, and assorted nieces and nephew. Tonight DH commented on her absence, and go figure, just when I was blogging about it....we are definitely feeling her absence tonight. Even though she's normally not around much anyway, just knowing she's not close by is enough to feel the void.
We are thinking about you out there, FreeBird Nats. Spread your wings and fly high, fly free and enjoy these days~ we love you and miss your familiar presence tonight.
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