While we sat and visited with passers-by, I enjoyed only the most excellent Irish Cream Latte at Deakin Isle, LTD. The atmosphere was festive as people came and went, all with a holiday feeling!
I came home after 1:00 and set about moving both bikes over to the other side of the garage in preparations for winter, brought down the patio table and set it up in front of Miss Pepper's Kitty Condo. While moving things around, I lost another glass tumbler in the process, am going back to sippy cups, for safety reasons :p
I'm pretty sure the bike rides will be coming to an end soon. Bring on Winter Hibernation, I'm ready for settling down with a good book. I was gifted a moat unexpected surprised yesterday- a package came in the mail addressed to me. When I opened it, I had to sit down, for it was a book by one of our newest customers: Momma & Me by Cherie Schofield.
"Momma and Me is a true story of a mother and a daughter who simultaneously suffer cancer - one ovarian, one breast. The memoir highlights the experiences of mother and daughter during a six year period, 1991-1997..."
My mother was a breast cancer Survivor, and it still amazes me how women are brought together by a common thread. I wept tears of sorrow, loss, mourning, and joy, all at once.
I am ready for Winter's hibernation almost any time now; bring on the knit-athon!

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