The other day, I was watching as a herd of about 5-6 deer crossed our front yard, on their way to their night shelter. Igor had heard them right before, alerting me to the "intruders".
I hurried and grabbed my cellphone, not wanting to miss a good pic for the day!

As they started to wander over toward the side of the house, I ran to the Guest bedroom to catch a shot there.
I noticed a deer standing very still by the Mulberry over behind the shed, and got ready to take a pic when, to my horror, I discovered it was bleeding from a nasty wound under its lower jaw. It was obviously in shock, and noticing the snow on its back, neck and head, I figured it got clipped and rolled down a hill. Deeply saddened, I snapped a shot while the others milled about it, pausing to sniff their wounded comrade, before moving on up the hill.

The wounded deer stood for several minutes, then hobbled up the hill slowly, stiffly; its back legs did not want to cooperate.
I watched as the deer worked its way painfully back further, mentally telling it to keep owing, keep moving to safe ground. Deep down, I feared it would just find a place to rest, and Nature would take its course.
3 days went by, and I kept a vigil while Igor played in the woods, always on a scent trail. I didn't want to go up and find a deer frozen in the snow, and Igor didn't tarry long before retuning each time we were out.
Two days ago, while Igor and I were out walking up the hill, I discovered the location of the fateful mishap. By the looks of things, it appeared a snow plow had recently passed by with its blade down, scrapping the shoulder, just prior to our next snowfall. Maybe the deer was coming out of the woods, in the usual place, and the snow plow spooked it just enough to clip it... Shaking my head, I took Igor home, there was no way a deer could survive a hit like that.
Yesterday, as I was sitting at my desk finishing up some paperwork, I saw a movement in the corner of the front window and my heart nearly lept out of my chest when the deer that I thought was gone, came up to the bird feeder and took a nibble. She looked like she was a bit bruised, a slight grazing under her chin, but her back legs seemed to work just fine. When she looked up and saw me in the window, she stepped closed for a better look, no fear in her eyes. I was so surprised, I did not want to move to find my cellphone, but instead enjoyed the moment. We looked at each other, and I smiled like the sun had just come out! She watched me for another minute, as if saying, "thanks for thinking of me" and without any fear, turned and took another lick at the feeder before slowly heading back into the woods for the night.
I am constantly reminded that we are not ever alone. If just one good shot of positive energy can bring hope to the sick and injured, then how much better for a Circle of Friends who care for one of their own, when Life sideswipes one of us.
I believe in the power of positive energy and healing. Let this light send enough light to someone tonight, to help ease their pain and sadness.