Thursday, June 17, 2010

Starting a New Regiment: Jane Fonda's Original Workout - Beginners 1

Today I mapped a new 3.44-mile route in our neighborhood; a perfect day at 69 and sunny, half of the walk along shady lanes with cooler temperatures. Only one hill gave us a light cardio workout.

I came back and was plurking my activities, when I ran upon this video. I couldn't believe I found them-I was Jane's biggest fan back in the 80's, and her workouts were phenomenal because they worked. I was also into Yoga at the time, but the body isn't quite as flexible these days.

So, I decided to start back on the Jane Fonda Workout, and will start with one video a week, and work my way through them. These will be an excellent alternative during the winter months too!

Now, get out there and work those buns!!

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