She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies,
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Lord Byron
A dear friend sent me this lovely poem, it really sums up the essence of Woman.
I had a beautiful day today-nevermind that it was my birthday, but I did get lot’s of birthday wishes today, WOWSER! 3 of my 4 kids called to wish me a Happy Birthday. Nat called as she was leaving work, and I got to see her 10 minutes later, silly girl~LOL!
I got a surprise this morning, from my oldest daughter, CJ. It arrived just minutes before we headed out the door.
Birthday Iris and Tulips
Yesterday, a package arrived from my California Sis, Susie. She sent me a lovely lavender blanket, big enough for a Queen-size bed, and of course, Igor thought it should be his. I had to beat him and Nats off before they absconded with it, Blanket Thieves. Susie also included a nice set of cutting boards, dishwasher-safe!
We got our showers out of the way, and got on the road, didn’t want to waste a single minute of the day. Our first stop was the Post Office to drop off the mail, then on to Sandy’s Country Pickins in Delavan, to pick out a Yard Gargoyle statue.
We found the perfect little guy for our Zen Garden. A Plurk friend named him and it stuck.
Al Gore-goyle
We spent the rest of the day at the office, business as usual. The weather was mild, but a little chilly for a walk, so Igor and I will wait another day.
Soon it will be time to put out the Hummingbird Feeders and await My Girl’s return. I look forward to their antics in the summer as I look out the office window behind my monitor.
Summer Visitor, 2009
Soon, we’ll have a pile of wood chip mulch to pad the perennial beds with, a fresh carpet to keep the weeds down. I have seen our truck pass by many times already, and expect they have many loads, as the last winters’ storms left many a tree badly damaged and limbs broken, in it’s wake. Saturday, a neighbor came over and felled a very large dead oak in our back woods. He took most of the wood, and we kept a few pieces for camp fires this summer and fall. There were quite a few limbs and small trees that toppled under the weight of the snow last Dec. but we’ll leave much of it alone to provide shelter for smaller critters until it’s gone back to Mother Earth.
Time to give thanks for another day, and say good night~
Hinááh bee atiingóó éí naashá
On the Trail of Life, I walk in beauty
Nizhóní naashá
In Harmony I exist, I walk in beauty