Since then, he's on his second 5-pack of cigars. Yeah, he's still puffing, but he's not inhaling, and says the taste is cutting him off quicker-he doesn't like the cigars at all, they are just a placebo now.
Storms on the horizon this afternoon, DH and I sat outside and enjoyed the fresh air. I knitted like a maniac on my Camo Vest, and got the neck/armhole shaping nearly half-done. I hope to have the shoulder shaping done and BO by Saturday night.
The approaching storms brought the woods and pond alive with the sounds of frogs of every species. This one was sitting on the back door window trim. He is tiny at just 2 inches long.
I'm planning a 2.26 mile walk with the neighbor tomorrow morning, if the weather clears up during the night, and again on Sunday morning.
Igor just plans to sleep in.

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