I quick-worked one up last night, and I think I have the color combo I was after (or does she??) I see one more possibility...
The inspiration:
Now I can finish Sharon's Rose Parade doily!

We took a short drive up the road for a photo shoot, and learned more about some local long-horn cattle on Hwy A. There was a sign out front posted, and it told us of the Ankole-Watusi Cattle, of South Africa.
There were two new calves this time, which were immediately surrounded by the "auntie" cows, while a formidable bull herded another female away from the group. What was so amazing were the horns-they were massive, one fellow's rack spanning nearly 5 feet and thick as trees at the skull.
There were two new calves this time, which were immediately surrounded by the "auntie" cows, while a formidable bull herded another female away from the group. What was so amazing were the horns-they were massive, one fellow's rack spanning nearly 5 feet and thick as trees at the skull.
I also got some new photos of some local barns and silos. One tile silo gleamed in the fading sunlight, looking as brand new as the day it was erected.
That doily is gorgeous - and I have to say that I'm giving you major props for being able to crochet it. I think I need to get off my butt and practice my crocheting so I can attempt to make doilies for my bedroom. We've got the folksy-country thing going on in there and the night stands are just screaming for some cream colored fancy-pants coverings. And I hate store bought ones.