Hayley’s Hippy Hat is completed! I really like the way this one turned out, the fit is loose and floopy, the way it should be~ I needed a head to model, and since I couldn’t nail DD19 to the floor, I obligingly did the photo op.
Ocarp, this one matches my Rolling Stones hoodie~ that means I have to make another this color now…
OR….I see a navy blue hat in my future…
hat back view

I can has FloppinHats this way too!
I started this one this morning, got the band done in about an hour, and went to work on the body. The name of this colorway is “Midnight Magic”.
Tossing names around:
- Midnight Yarn Art
- Ina goda da yarna
- Butterfly’s Folly
I will need to decide who will be crowned the winner of this one ~

Back to work, knitknitknit…
*Ina goda da yarna*
Oh yes! Ina goda da yarna! Definitely!