They’re bringing snow in for the annual Winterfest Snow Sculpture and we were there to see them kick off the event! Teams are already in place and beginning to map out their grids.
Chunks of packed snow are marked “reserved” in black spray paint. Some have a flag stuck in their tops, like a star on top of an undecorated Christmas tree. You can feel the excitement in the air. And the chill. At a bit above 10°F, the wind off the lake was tolerable.
We had dinner with the neighbors at Popeye’s on Lake Geneva, with a window seat to watch the festivities. The food was excellent, I had a couple chocolate martinis, just the ticket after a hectic holiday season. We got there just as the sun was setting, and the sky turned a brilliant lavender pink over the trees. Lake Geneva is truly a wonderland, and it captures your heart.
All is good in one small part of the world tonight.
We came back to a very warm welcome from our buddy, Igor. We settled in for a quiet evening of reflection, and promised to do it again soon.
I started another Mary Jane’s Hat for Hayley-her birthday is fast-approaching, and I hope to get it done by tomorrow night so I can get the Hunter/Hayley Birthday Box in the mail by Monday.
This one promises to be more colorful than the first and now that I have the pattern memorized, it is going a lot faster. It should look great against her red hair~I’ll have to bug her mom for a model shot

Gotta get to me knitt’n, we have a deadline here, people~
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