DH decided he wanted a double burner for the garage; he is itching to cook again. Only problem is those dratted stairs going up to the kitchen...
So, tonight we went to Walgreens and bought a Signature Double Buffet Range for the garage.
DH couldn't wait to get it out of the box- he'd been wanting one for eons. I grabbed one of our less-used Calphalon saute pans, a pair of tongs and DH grabbed the Italian sausage, I added some sliced garlic, while DH added some roasted red pepper strips, some sliced red onions, and a little of the olive oil that the peppers were marinated in, and soon the garage was filled with the smells of an Italian kitchen. He cut up the sausage into bite-size chunks and browned them until the pink was gone, then served them on a couple leftover sesame seed hamburger buns we had laying around. Was it ever good! There's something about cooking outside, "roughing it" as I call it, that brings out the flavors of a meal.
After dinner, we hopped in the Blazer and took a ride around the lake, checking out the Summer homes. Nearly every one had at least 2 cars in their driveways, all IL plates. The July 4th weekend has officially begun~

Uploaded by msgrfx on 30 Jun 10, 10.42PM CDT.
At dusk, there were fireworks going off in town, as well as the neighboring town of Delavan. One of our neighbors insisted on setting off as many, if not more, in his driveway behind us, prompting Igor to fits of barking at the darkening treeline behind us. He was pretty stressed by the time the Grand Finale was over, and the mosquitoes drove us in for the night.
I completed 2 more rose motifs for the Rose Parade doily, totally absorbed in my work for a couple hours. I think it's going to look nice once it gets worked together.
I've decided to go with this color combo. I really think it will work best for Sharon.
Igor has had about enough of this day.
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